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Students use computer-based tools, such as video, audio, graphics, and web publishing, to tell personal or academic stories about life experiences relevant to course themes.

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Digital Story

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In Analytic Teams, each team member assumes a different role with specific responsibilities to perform while listening to a lecture or watching a video.

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Analytic Teams

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3-Minute Messages are modeled on the Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) academic competition, in which students have three minutes to present a compelling argument and to support it with convincing details and examples.

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Three-Minute Message

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For Sketch Notes, students use handwritten words and visual elements such as drawings, boxes, lines, and arrows to illustrate the main concepts from a lecture, as well as their interrelations.

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Sketch Notes

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In Translate That!, you pause your lecture and call on a student at random to “translate” the information you just provided into plain English for an imagined audience that you specify.

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Translate That!

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A Role Play is a created situation in which students deliberately act out or assume characters or identities they would not normally assume.

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Role Play

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In Variations, students create an altered version of the original, such as rewriting the ending of a story or imagining the consequences of a changed event in history.

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We continue to provide these resources for free, justifying our donations of time, money, and resources based on viewership. You can help us in our efforts by sharing the link to our website or our videos with anyone you think might benefit from them. Thank you.
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In Letters, students assume the identity of an important person in your discipline and write a letter explaining their thoughts on an issue, theory, or controversy to another famous person who holds a different perspective.

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For a Class Book, individual students work together to plan and ultimately submit a scholarly essay or research paper. Then all students’ papers are published together.

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Class Book

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We continue to provide these resources for free, justifying our donations of time, money, and resources based on viewership. You can help us in our efforts by sharing the link to our website or our videos with anyone you think might benefit from them. Thank you.
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