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In the 3-2-1 technique, students write about 3 things they learned in the lecture, 2 things they found particularly interesting from the lecture, and 1 question they still have about the lecture content.

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In Group Grid, group members are given pieces of information and asked to place them in the blank cells of a grid according to category rubrics, which helps them clarify conceptual categories and develop sorting skills.

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Group Grid

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For Sketch Notes, students use handwritten words and visual elements such as drawings, boxes, lines, and arrows to illustrate the main concepts from a lecture, as well as their interrelations.

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Sketch Notes

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A PLE is a set of people and digital resources an individual can access for the specific intent of learning. Students illustrate the potential connections through a visible network of the set.

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Personal Learning Environment

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An Advance Organizer is a tool that professors can present to students prior to a lecture to help them structure the information they are about to learn.

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Advance Organizers

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Teaching Technique 38 - Affinity Grouping

In Affinity Grouping, individual students generate ideas and identify common themes. Then, students form groups to sort and organize the ideas accordingly.

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Affinity Grouping

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