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A Frame is a template of sentence stems that provides the shape of a short essay, but not the content. Students complete the sentences, expressing their ideas in their own words, but doing so within a clear and organized framework.

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In Invent the Quiz, students write a limited number of test questions related to a recent learning module and then create an answer sheet, or alternately a model answer and scoring sheet, to accompany the test questions.

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Invent the Quiz

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In Letters, students assume the identity of an important person in your discipline and write a letter explaining their thoughts on an issue, theory, or controversy to another famous person who holds a different perspective.

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For a Class Book, individual students work together to plan and ultimately submit a scholarly essay or research paper. Then all students’ papers are published together.

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Class Book

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In a Think-Pair-Share, the instructor poses a question, gives students a few minutes to think about a response, and then asks students to share their ideas with a partner. Hence Think-Pair-Share.

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Crib Cards

Crib Cards are three-by-five inch index cards that students create to use on exams, on which they write whatever information they believe will be useful to them.

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Crib Cards

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In Cued Notes, students use a template to prompt them to record a cue that you provide and to take notes on a lecture segment tied to the cue. Then, the template prompts students to summarize the full lecture.

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Cued Notes

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In Note-Taking Pairs, student partners work together to improve their individual notes.

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Note-Taking Pairs

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Technique #43 - Punctuated Lecture

During a Punctuated Lecture, students listen to the lecture for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. At the end of the lecture segment, the teacher pauses and asks students to answer a question about what they are doing at that particular moment.

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Punctuated Lecture

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Technique #44 - Fishbowl

In Fishbowl, students form concentric circles with a small group inside and a larger group outside. Students in the inner circle engage in an in-depth discussion, while students in the outer circle listen and critique content, logic, and group interaction.

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Technique 45 - Individual Readiness Assurance Tests

Individual Readiness Assurance Tests are closed-book quizzes that students complete after an out-of-class reading, video, or other homework assignment.

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Individual Readiness Assurance Tests

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In What? So What? Now What? Journals, students reflect on their recent course-related activities as they respond to each prompt in a journal entry.

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What? So What? Now What? Journals

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